About Me
My name is Kellie Dunham. I started my photography journey in high school and soon after graduating moved to Tasmania, Australia to pursue photography work experience. Portraits were my go-to at the time but it soon became very apparent that Real Estate photography was an area that I was meant to be in. I shot Real Estate and various sorts of portraits in Australia for 3 years before deciding to come back to America and establish my photography business here. To say the least, the last 4 years of my life have been an incredible journey that I wouldn't change for the world. Photography is my passion and I couldn't imagine my life without it. I am so blessed to have had the opportunities I've been given.
I am currently enrolled in online classes through New York Institute of Photography which I am enjoying. I spend my free time exercising, traveling and visiting friends. I hope you have enjoyed viewing my work and would love the opportunity to meet your photography needs!
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